UPDATE 2018 – We have been using and installing NEST thermostats with our hydronic heating systems for the past two years. We do not sell them, you can buy them from amazon.com.uk using the link below

NEST thermostat Australia

Is the NEST thermostat available yet in Australia? Not yet but it’s coming!

Introduction Thermostats are used to measure and control the temperature of a room. It is also used in electronic appliance to control the temperature at which these appliances will run. Thermostats also help to cut costs thus minimizing the use of energy that the systems use. The thermostats will enable the user to set the room temperature as per their requirements. In modern times, the thermostats act quite as the likes of a mind reader adjusting itself to the comforts of the owner of the house and cuts down on the electricity expenses as well. The Australian government have gone to great lengths in trying to educate citizens to save energy and to use effective thermostats to control the amount to electricity usage. Dissatisfaction of thermostats in Australia The climate and weather in Australia is not fixed and it varies very so often. The thermostats are a blessing to save the electricity and energy costs but it becomes considerably impractical when one has to keep adjusting and resetting the temperature very often. Another persistent problem is that the temperature is adjusted as per the temperature of the appliance and not the temperature that it is to emit. For example, if the temperature of the hydronic heating system is set as 21 degrees, the room temperature will slightly higher. There are larger numbers of companies in Australia that do provide assistance with thermostat problems. Another problem is that the wiring of the house needs to be set right or else there is bound to be malfunctioning of the digital thermostats. Conclusion However, the manufacturers claim that the problems are only with the first few batches that have been sent out for sale. There are developments being made to the system to make it more superior and provide better customer satisfaction to the buyers and users.
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